Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!! I got some really nice presents =). My favorite is this really, really nice digital picture frame. It holds up to 5,000 pictures, is an alarm clock, and is also a calander. It's a touch screen too! I love it! I haven't looked through it yet too much but I'm excited!

I finally got my cast off on Tuesday! I'm very happy about it. It didn't hurt too bad to take it off though it's a little scary to see a saw cutting so close to your leg. My leg looked ok. Lost some muscle but nothin serious. My foot looked gross though. My entire top layer of skin was comin off and my tattoo is kinda massacred. I took a shower the night i got it off though and washed a lot of gunk off. It wasnt pretty but it's lookin better now. Here's some pictures!

This side is by far the worst. Its on the outside of my leg. The blue thing was my tattoo *sigh*

Closer image of that.

Front part of my foot is swollen.

Ths is the other side... not as bad but still not pretty.

The blue cast I had for month and half!!

Bella is also doing really good! She hasn't been sick since my cousin brought her back! I'm really grateful for that. She's also gotten SO attached to me. She's my little shadow. She follows me EVERYWHERE and panics when I leave. She has even been known to wait at the door for me for hours till I get home. It's cute. She wasn't eating anything at all hardly for awhile there and I was worried. But I just switched her food and she likes it A LOT more. She doesn't eat a ton but she is really tiny and she at least eats once a day which is more than she was doing before. I have to get her second round of shots next week so I can ask the vet about it then. Oh and of course I just said that and she threw up. Weird. Hopefully she just ate something funky off the floor. I hope that is all *sigh* But here are a couple pictures =)
Her Christmas shirt... haha... my mom made me buy it and put it on her

Me and Bella =)

I have posted a few recent pictures of my niece. I know I'm a little obsessed but she is so darn cute.... I can't help it =)
This is Ciera and by brother. I think this is the cutest little picture!

She likes to blow kisses now!

This is me and her at a wedding we went to a couple weeks ago.

These are my two nephews who live out of state... Lorenzo and Joseph with their half sister Ciera

Haha... little Santa.

I LOVE this picture. SHe looks so cute!

Ciera and her brother Ramon. This is the little shit that's having a baby. He was scared to hold her. Psh. He better get used to that.

Well that's my update for now! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Be safe out there =).... stupid snow!