Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time Flies!

Happy New Year from the middle of January. Where has time gone?? It's crazy. New Years was nice... Steve came to visit and it's always great to spend time with him. We didn't do much but that's okay with me =). It's always so hard to say goodbye though. The distance is sure getting exhausting. It's going to be an amazing, incredible day when we don't have to deal with that anymore!

I'm doing therapy and everything seems to be going really well. I can finally walk with a shoe and I'm getting around SO much better. The scars are still pretty vivid on my ankle but not as bad as I thought it would be. My ankle still swells up and gets all weirdly colored sometimes. I'm going to TOSH physical therapy in Murray and it seems to be a nice facility. Normally people go into a room that has like 10 therapy beds and you sit down and whoever is free helps you out (there are usually 4 or 5 therapists there) but a guy named David helped me out on my first day and decided to stick with me. Still not sure why but I'm thinking because he feels like my ankle has potential? Hehe. Anyway, I go twice a week into his time slot so he's pretty much the only one I deal with. He's really nice! He has helped me so much. I haven't been able to rotate too much but he sits down every week with me and bends it around. It hurts and one time I almost passed out from the pain (I actually saw black dots... scary!) but I am so ready for it to be back to normal and to not hurt anymore. I hope that day comes soon! I'm having a really hard time turning my ankle inward though... everytime I do there is this sharp stab of pain that hurts SO bad. David also seems to be a nice guy which relaxes me a little. He's always talking to me about the tattoo he's going to be getting. I guess since I have a tatoo on my ankle and we go to the same place he figures we can be buddy buddy. It's pretty funny actually. But keep your fingers crossed for continued progress! I can't wait till its all done!

Bella has been doing great. She's growing like a weed. Getting so big! She's a little terror right now though. She loves to bite, eat her poop, and cause general mayhem. She's a lot of fun though and I just love her to pieces.

Hope you all are doing well!!