Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update on Me and Bella!

I guess it’s time for another little (ha) update. I really need to try to stay on top of this...

First off, my ankle is starting to feel better (knock on wood). I still get a lot of pain but not nearly as frequently as before. I used to take a pill every 3 hours on the hour just so I could breathe. But now I can usually take just one pain pill in the morning and one at night and I’m okay. Um… generally. Sometimes I need to take a little more but as much as pain killers are wonderful and helpful, they are also really addictive and that’s the last thing I want to happen. Anyway, I went to my doctor last Tuesday for a post-op appointment. I have to be honest… I completely dislike my doctor! He is so rude and so unfriendly and so unhelpful. It annoys me so much and actually really makes me mad. My hospital bill arrived and it came to a whopping $17,000!! Can you believe that? All I can say is thank God for insurance. Even more, thank God for double coverage (I have my own insurance and I am still on my mom’s until January). I can’t believe that breaking an ankle can ruin someone’s life! I can’t imagine how many people do what I have done and don’t have any insurance. Ugh… anyway. What with the amount of money my insurance is paying, you would honestly think that my doctor could be courteous and nice. Anyway… he did an x-ray to make sure my bones are growing straight. Luckily they are! Wahoo! I was really hoping to get my surgery cast taken off and replaced with one that is less heavy and a little more flexible. Unfortunately he said I have to wait until this Tuesday. Yuck. So I still have this huge heavy cast on… but at least it’s only for a couple more days! But then I asked Dr. Jerk if it would hurt to take my cast off (and the staples that are holding my skin together on both sides of my leg which will also be removed Tuesday) and he replied “Are you brave?” and I said “Um… I dunno… am I?” and he looked at me and starts laughing and says “Ha. No. It’s definitely going to hurt. Bring your pain pills.” And it’s not like he was even joking! He was dead serious! So now I am scared to death to go to the doctor on Tuesday! Stupid doctor. He said a few other sly little comments here and there too that were so unprofessional and made me feel the size of an ant. Jerk. I tried to attach some pictures but it wouldn't work with this internet connection. I'll post another blog when I can get the pictures to work.

It gets really frustrating to be couped up all the time. I started feeling really headachy and sick all the time. So my mom was great enough to take me to Mervyn’s at the mall yesterday! They are going out of business (which I am kinda sad about) so they are having tons of sales. She wouldn’t try to let me get around on my crutches and she was probably right in that because I probably would have been trampled. My uncle, who is paralyzed, has an old wheelchair that he is letting me borrow. I just think it makes good sense to use it, especially once winter comes. Me on crutches on ice doesn’t equal anything good. I am using my crutches as much as possible though. I want to gain as much strength from them as I can. Anyway, I bought a couple shirts and some stuff for people for Christmas. Oh and I was weak and bought an adorable purse. Oops. What can I say… I like shoes and purses. Couldn’t very well try on any shoes so I chose to buy myself a purse instead =). Trying on the shirts was hard though. We were stupid enough not to bring my crutches and so I had to try the shirts on sitting down. I tried to stand up but almost fell and out of instinct I put my hurt foot down. OUCH. It went numb for like 10 minutes but I think its okay. It was really uplifting to get somewhere that wasn’t my bed or the couch or the bathroom! My mom and I were having a hard time pushing around the wheelchair though and when my brother got there he took one look at it and yanked me out of it before I could even say hi. The wheel was coming off! Thank god he noticed it because I would have probably fallen off it and broke something else. We went to Blockbuster after and rented a couple movies (I had to wait in the car) and then went and picked up dinner. My brother got the wheelchair fixed today so I'm good to go on that again.

With all the stress of my leg and Bella being sick, I was feeling pretty miserable last week. I was actually having a breakdown. I had this new puppy that was so sick she had to be hospitalized and here I was helpless to do anything. I couldn’t stop crying! But then my cousin Michael, who is a manager at Petco and honestly knows everything dogs, offered to take Bella and take care of her until I could get back into a place that I could take better care of her and me. I was a little reluctant because the vet said Bella might be infectious but my cousin wasn't worried about it. I can’t say how grateful I am for him to offer that. He has an apartment with his girlfriend and they have 2 birds, 5 frogs, and a half pitbull half something else dog. Her name is Prudence and she is HUGE. I was really worried about it but Prudence and Bella get along great. In fact, Prudence treats Bella like she is her puppy. My cousin said it’s really cute. Bella isn’t sick anymore which is a huge relief to me and a big weight off my shoulders. I have missed her SO much this whole week though! I think about her and I get these pangs of sadness and tension and worry. My cousin brought her over today and she was way happy to see me. But I noticed she has also gotten really bonded to my cousin and his girlfriend too. She got kinda sad when they left her for an hour. She was fine once they were gone but I’m worried about putting her through a lot when I take her back in a couple weeks =(. I was also kinda jealous, I have to admit. I wish I didn’t have to do this. I bet she is so confused about what’s going on. My cousin told me not to worry because smaller dogs are usually fine wherever you put them as long as they are loved. I hope it all works out =(… I love her to pieces and I know she is just a dog but I don’t want to make her feel like she is being passed around and the childish side of me is scared that she is happier with my cousin than she is here with me and when I bring her back she is gonna get depressed and sick again. *sigh* Anyway, she looks great though. My cousin switched her to a food that is healthier for her and that she likes a lot more. She has gotten so chubby! I started laughing my head off the second she ran through the door. She is SO cute. I tried to get some good pictures but she wouldn’t cooperate. I'll try to post a couple soon though.

I found a Nintendo Wii on sale at Sears today in the morning ad’s so I sent my brother over to get it. It’s a Christmas present for Steve! I am happy I got him done at least. It’s a relief. My brother also brought my niece Ciera over and she is getting so damn cute!!! She is walking now which I can’t believe! She takes like 7 or 8 steps before she falls over but she is determined. Once my connection is better, I'll post a couple of those too =)


Mzbubblegum said...

Yayy, glad to hear you feeling a lil better chica =) But damn,$17,000?????? WTF? That's hella ridiculous, sound slike they making youpay the hospital's mortgage more than for your own ankle injury, lmao... Tell ur dooctor to go kick rocks, the bastard, he couldn't even be a lil comforting, he jus freaked you out instead, ugh...

Awww, so glad to hear Bella's doing good too/ Dun be jealous, i know that lil dog prolly loves you to pieces just ike you love her, lol. Guess she jus confused bout who her owner is now, lol. Everything shall be okie =).

Nice prezzie you got 4 Steve, Wii's are awesome =)